Photographer Much?
Posted by aBEE M.
11/05/2009 06:36:00 PM
amateur photography,
grand canyon,
I was going through my computer's hard drive today, and i came through some of my old photos. I wasn't much of a photographer back then.. but then again, I'm not so much a photographer now. But, nevertheless, photography is very interesting to me.
What kind of camera do I have? you ask... well, it's not an SLR, and i definitely don't belong to a photography club or have i ever been to a photography class (well, not yet). But, WITH camera, is better than NO camera... right? (and it helps that it is digital). I remember getting scolded,for taking pictures of places and things instead of people...I can still hear my dad now... (telling me it was a waste of film...) ---soooo old school.
Just check out my pictures... (comments are very welcome...constructive criticism and good ones)
this was taken during my trip to Bantayan Island, Philippines last March 2009 with My Friends i was a little bored on the boat... (it took us 3 hours to get to the island)

a view from our room... (people mistake this for sunset... this was during sunrise...)

on my trip to the Grand Canyon last March 2008...
the flower i got from my boyfriend --- well ex-boyfriend... 2 valentine's day ago...he got me my fav. flower... (lilies)
...these would have to do, till i buy my SLR... any suggestion for good quality ones? Nikon or Canon?
What kind of camera do I have? you ask... well, it's not an SLR, and i definitely don't belong to a photography club or have i ever been to a photography class (well, not yet). But, WITH camera, is better than NO camera... right? (and it helps that it is digital). I remember getting scolded,for taking pictures of places and things instead of people...I can still hear my dad now... (telling me it was a waste of film...) ---soooo old school.
Just check out my pictures... (comments are very welcome...constructive criticism and good ones)

a view from our room... (people mistake this for sunset... this was during sunrise...)
on my trip to the Grand Canyon last March 2008...
...these would have to do, till i buy my SLR... any suggestion for good quality ones? Nikon or Canon?