Posted by aBEE M.
11/10/2009 01:47:00 PM
birthday cakes,
blowing candles,
children's party,
funny video,
Overall, i didn't regret going. the food was absolutely killer (c/o my cousin-in-law from culinary school), the company was great (met my new niece Kierstenne who is 3 months old), and my nieces and nephew were very entertaining. Especially my nephew, Juan Carlo 2 years old, who wouldn't stop putting out the candle... watch the video, you'll know what i mean... and, the children thought i was the best aunt too, coz i started blowing up some balloons...which they found interesting and loved me for it. Plus it helps that they thought i made the cake... when in reality i only decorated it. they're used to the fact that i always bake they're cake, but i didn't have the time for this one, so i bought a pre-made one and just jazzed it up with some decor.
He kept puffing and huffing even when my mom tried to stop him. Isn't he the cutest? He didn't even care almost getting burned with the lighter. And, i love how my birthday girl didn't mind sharing her moment with her cousins (she's such a sweetheart).